Page 30 - Premier Brains Global -Doing Business in UAE (Low Res)
P. 30


                                                              The majority of the applicable customs
                                                              processes,       suspension        arrangements,
                      Other Taxes
                                                              exemptions, etc. are in accordance with
                                                              the relevant international agreements and
       Customs Duties                                         conventions because the UAE is a member
                                                              of both the World Trade Organization and
       The UAE is a member of the World Trade
                                                              the World Customs Organization.
       Organization (WTO), and is a contracting
       party to the World Trade Organization’s
                                                              Most domestic goods from other GCC
       revised Kyoto Convention, the primary
                                                              members, members of the Greater Arab Free
       agreement in respect of global Customs
                                                              Trade Agreement, Singapore, nations of the
       administration and procedures. At a regional
                                                              European Free Trade Association (Norway,
       level, the UAE and other GCC countries are
                                                              Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein), and
       unified through a common Customs  law,
                                                              India are allowed to be imported duty-free
       implementing procedures, and a common
                                                              into the UAE.
       Customs tariff (although it is noted that
       there may be differences in implementation
       between member states).                                Municipal or Property Tax
                                                              The majority of Emirates levy a municipality
       Customs duty is generally calculated on  tax on properties based on the yearly rental
       the cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value  value. The tax is often the responsibility
       of imported goods, when goods are ‘sold  of the tenants. Both tenants and property
       for export’. It is payable at the time of  owners may occasionally be required to pay
       importation. The Customs duty rates are  different fees. For tenants in Dubai, the tax is
       between 0% to 5% depending on the Tariff  5% of the rent; in Abu Dhabi, 3%; in Sharjah,
       numbers and Harmonized Codes, but may  2%. The tenants pay a 10% municipal tax
       vary certain products in the UAE.                      when renting a commercial property.
                                                              A  registration  fee  may  also  be  charged
       Free zones are regions that are on UAE  when ownership of land or other property is
       territory but aren’t included in the customs  transferred. A property transfer fee of usually
       territory. As a result, imports into a free zone in  4% of the sale value of the property.
       UAE are usually exempt from customs taxes.
       Until the products that are brought into the           Hotel Tax and Tourism Levies
       GCC domestic market, customs duties are
                                                              Most Emirates charge a hotel tax of up to 7%
       deferred. Since there are no export customs
                                                              on the cost of entertainment and services
       taxes levied by the UAE, items leaving a
                                                              provided by hotels. Additionally, up to 7% in
       free zone for a location outside of the GCC
                                                              tourist fees or taxes may be added to the
       Customs Union shouldn’t be subject to
                                                              cost of some tourism and entertainment
       customs taxes.
                                                              activities such as festivals and shows. Each
                                                              Emirate imposes and manages these fees
       Companies operating in the UAE may import
       goods into UAE free zones in as well as to
       the onshore UAE, which is under the control
       of the UAE Customs Authorities. As a result,
       any transaction involving the purchase, use,
       or disposal of goods must be reported to
       the Customs Authorities in order to avoid
       noncompliance fines and penalties.

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