Page 27 - Premier Brains Global -Doing Business in UAE (Low Res)
P. 27


       Out of scope supplies                                  In  case of  services  rendered  within  a
       There can be out of scope supplies like high           designated zone rules are slightly different.
                                                              As the place of supply of services is within
       sea  sales.  Out-of-scope  supplies  are  the
       supplies that are outside the purview of the           UAE even though it is in a Designated Zone,
       VAT in the UAE. Unlike the Standard-rated,             the Federal Tax Authority states that the
                                                              transaction is liable for the 5% standard VAT
       zero-rated and exempt supplies, you don’t
       need  to declare  out-of-scope  supplies               Charges.
       in the general VAT returns submitted in
       each tax period. Moreover, companies that  Record                            keeping                 and
       make only out-of-scope supplies need not
       register for UAE VAT. However, they can carry
                                                              Valid tax invoices must be issued for all
       out voluntary VAT registration in the UAE if
                                                              taxable supplies, showing a range of
       their taxable supplies cross the voluntary
                                                              mandatory information. For Vat deductions
       registration threshold.
                                                              taken, the purchaser needs to keep copy
                                                              of the VAT invoice  issued by the supplier.
       Concept of Designated Zones                            Deductions of VAT are not permitted for non-
       A designated zone is a place which is even  business expenses and certain purchases
       though within UAE but is considered to be  are specifically excluded from recovery, such
       outside the UAE territory for tax purposes.  as entertainment, catering, and purchase or
       A designated zone is a specific fenced  expenditure on motor cars for private use.
       geographic area with security measures
       and Customs controls in place to monitor  Taxpayers are expected to retain the
       entry and exit of individuals and movement  relevant VAT, accounting, and other records
       of goods to and from the area. Designated  to support the data entered on the VAT
       zones are areas identified by the UAE  return for a period no less than five years
       Cabinet as eligible for special treatment  from the end of the relevant tax period, and
       under the UAE VAT law. Not all Free Zones are  15 years for activities relating to real estate.
       categorized as Designated Zones, and there  The FTA may increase these time limits by a
       are certain criteria to be met for designated  further four years in certain circumstances.
       free zones too for exemption from VAT.                 It is also advisable to verify the tax number
                                                              of supplier from the online portal of FTA
       VAT is not levied on goods which are  before paying the VAT invoice to ensure
       imported directly to a designated zone and  such supplier holds an active VAT number.
       is only applied on these goods only when
       they leave designated zones.

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