Page 15 - Premier Brains Global -Doing Business in UAE (Low Res)
P. 15
• Completing the registration process with
Steps for Setting Up the the relevant authorities and getting the
Business in UAE copy of the trade license. Once registered
companies may also be required to obtain
A General Overview of the procedures other registrations such as with chamber of
involved for setting up a business is commerce, obtaining establishment card,
described, although it may vary depending opening labour card etc.
on the jurisdiction and type of business:
• Visa processing for owners and
• Perform a comprehensive roadmap for management staff of the entity. Every
nature of business to be conducted in UAE license in UAE usually requires appointing
a “Manager”. This manager is the most
• Determine the Business Type and Activity. important person in the company for
handling all legal related aspects. Even
• Choosing a Company Name. though taking the visa is not a mandatory
requirement but usually Manager taking
• Determine the legal structure of the the visa is a customary practice for smooth
business. flow of operations and especially at time of
opening bank account in UAE.
• Location of the company (Mainland or
Free Zone). Choosing the correct location is • Opening a bank account in the name of
a very important decision. the company and depositing the share
capital into the bank. For multinationals,
• Obtaining initial approvals – No objection a clear group structure with identification
Certificate (NOC) from the department of of an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (“UBO”) is
Economic Development (DED). For certain an important aspect for opening a bank
category of license specific NOCs are account.
required from regulatory authorities like
central bank, insurance authority etc. One of It is very important that a proper review for
the conditions of such NOCs is reviewing the nature of business activity, tax implications
relevant experience in particular business and place of doing business be determined
activity. There can be minimum capital before taking a decision on identifying
requirements for more comprehensive location for opening company.
business activities.
• Preparation of Legal Documents –
Memorandum of Association (MOA) and
any other documents prescribed from time
to time.
• Leasing the Office space for the chosen
jurisdiction (in case of freezones, option of
taking virtual or flexi desk offices are possible
which are a low cost option)
• Applying for the Trade License from the
appropriate regulatory authorities.