Page 10 - Premier Brains Global -Doing Business in UAE (Low Res)
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                                                              courts handle these matters and make their
             Legal and Regulatory
                                                              decisions based on Islamic theory. However,
                      Framework                               UAE allows non-Muslims to prepare and

                                                              register their personal wills with courts in
       The UAE has a dual judicial system consisting  UAE. There are 2 financial freezones ADGM
       of civil courts and Sharia courts. Civil courts  and DIFC which applies Common Law.
       handle civil and commercial matters, while
       Sharia courts deal with family and personal  • International Treaties: The UAE is subject
       status issues. In addition, there is a federal  to          various     international     treaties     and
       Supreme Court that acts as the highest  agreements. These treaties can influence
       court of appeal in the UAE                             the legal landscape, particularly in matters
       The UAE does not have a single constitution.  of international trade, human rights, and
       Instead, the Constitution of the UAE consists  diplomatic relations.
       of a combination of federal laws, traditional
       laws, local laws of individual emirates, Islamic  •  Free  Zones: The UAE has established
       law (Sharia), and international treaties. The  numerous free zones that have their own
       illustration of the structure:                         legal and regulatory frameworks to attract
                                                              foreign investment. These zones offer
       • Federal Laws:  The system of federal laws  specific incentives, such as tax exemptions
       that apply across all seven emirates. These  and simplified business regulations, to
       laws are passed by the federal government  promote economic growth. There  are over
       and cover areas such as immigration, labour,  45 freezones in UAE spread over the different
       criminal offenses, intellectual property, and  emirates of UAE
                                                              Freezones are structured based on nature
       •  Emirate-Specific Laws: Each emirate  of activities undertaken though general
       within the UAE has the authority to issue its  nature of businesses can operate from any
       own local laws and regulations, particularly  freezone.
       in areas not covered by federal legislation.
       These laws are often related to matters such  Abu Dhabi and Dubai are home to the vast
       as land use, property ownership, and other  majority of free zones established in the
       local concerns.                                        UAE. such as Dubai International Financial
                                                              Centre (DIFC), Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA),
       •  Sharia Law: Islamic law (Sharia) is an  and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).
       important aspect of the legal framework in  These are special economic zones,  often
       the UAE, especially in matters of personal  industry specific, each existing in a defined
       status, family law, and inheritance. Sharia  geographic area in the UAE.

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