Page 8 - Premier Brains Global -Doing Business in UAE (Low Res)
P. 8
• Federal National Council (FNC): The FNC is
Political System
the advisory legislative body in the UAE who
reviews and debates proposed legislation,
The purpose of this document is to offers recommendations, and discusses
provide The political framework consists issues of national importance. Its members
of a traditional monarchy and modern are partly elected and partly appointed by
governance structures such as: the rulers of the emirates. However, it does
not possess legislative powers as that rests
• Federal Supreme Council: The Federal with the rulers and the Federal Supreme
Supreme Council is the highest governing Council.
authority in the UAE. It consists of the rulers
of the seven emirates, who collectively The federal Supreme Council is the highest
determine the overall direction of the constitutional authority in the United Arab
country’s policies and laws. The council Emirates. It is also the highest legislative and
elects the President and Vice President of executive authority that draws up general
the UAE from among its members. policies and approves various federal
• Cabinet: The Council of Ministers, also
known as the Cabinet, is responsible for
implementing policies and laws. It is headed
by the Prime Minister. The Cabinet consists of
ministers who oversee various government
departments and sectors.